Saturday, December 18, 2010

Beauty To All This Holiday Season

I am in the beauty business as they say. I have been for over 27 years now. What is beauty? Beauty is an intangible and is perceived many ways by all. Beauty to me is an attitude of joy and love. It is grace in any circumstance. It is an understanding of gratitude. Underlying all challenges are messages that lead to answers. If we can open our eyes and heart we will have appreciation for the circumstances. What stricks me most about the "Holidays" is that people seem to naturally exude these "beautiful" attitudes of beauty. Love and light as they say. What do we see all around us? Lights everywhere. The season glows. That is what beauty is. It glows. It is an attitude. Have you ever been attracted to a person who is not conventionaly beautiful but glows? Their inner beauty is what is attracting you. The Lords Prayer says "love thy neighbor as thy self". It is often harder to love ourselves. But, if we do not love ourselves we can not love another. The word of God says "Jesus came to give us love and love more abundantly". He was the personification of true beauty. He was and is love. During this holiday season I send love and beauty to all. Remember it takes more muscles to frown then smile. A smile is an anti-aging tip! Be blessed. Megan